On the very day that Congress reconvened, President Obama spoke out about his intentions to veto the latest version of the Keystone pipeline bill. This pronouncement escalates the standoff that has continued for over six years as lawmakers, divided along party line, have debated whether the benefits outweigh the potential risks of such a venture. The GOP has been very clear that this issue would be the first order of business for the 114th congress.
Related: Keystone Showdown Likely for New Year
Until now, the president has been vague about his intentions and as late as Monday was not speaking publicly about this. But that all changed on Tuesday when White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, announced that a veto is likely.
“Earnest told USA Today that “I can confirm for you that if this bill passes this Congress, the president wouldn’t sign it either. And that’s because there is already a well established process in place to consider whether or not infrastructure projects like this are in the best interests of the country.”
Understandably, the President's decision has been difficult and disappointing news for Republicans who had hoped that their newly elected majority status would change the outcome.
“Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky said that, “The president threatening to veto the first bipartisan infrastructure bill of the new Congress must come as a shock to the American people who spoke loudly in November in favor of bipartisan accomplishments. Once again the president is standing in the way of a shovel-ready jobs project that would help thousands of Americans find work.”
Read more in usatoday.com
photo credit: Barack Obama via photopincc